Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) is common in women and can impact on bladder control.
It won’t get better on its own, but help is available.
How does GVBR help?
At GVBR, We cannot ‘fix’ a prolapse unfortunately, but our Emsella chair & Core2Floor package are great options to help alleviate the symptoms of your prolapse & gain back pelvic floor and core strength.
To read more about Core2Floor Therapy click here.
Not sure about Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP)?
Read below to find out more.
If you think you may have the symptoms of POP make sure to book an appointment with your GP or Pelvic floor physiotherapist for assessment.
What does pelvic organ prolapse mean?
The pelvic organs, which include the bladder, vagina, uterus and bowel, are held in place by the pelvic floor muscles and supporting tissues such as ‘fascia' and 'ligaments'. These help to join the pelvic organs to the bony side walls of the pelvis and keep them in place.
Your pelvic floor muscles also work to support the pelvic organs from underneath. If the supporting tissues are torn or stretched, and you’re the pelvic floor muscles are weak, then the pelvic organs may not be held in their right place.
Pelvic organ prolapse (POP), occurs when one of the pelvic organs sags and may bulge or protrude into the vagina.
Are there different types of prolapse?
There are different types of prolapse, and it is important to have any prolapse properly assessed by a doctor or pelvic floor physiotherapist.
Pelvic organs may:
bulge into the front wall of the vagina (cystocele)
through the back vaginal wall (rectocele or enterocele)
or the cervix and the uterus may drop down into the vagina (uterine prolapse)
More than one of the pelvic organs may bulge into the vagina.

Prolapse can run in families. It is more likely after menopause, or if you are overweight, however it can occur in young women soon after having a baby.
About half of all women who have had a child have some level of prolapse, but only one in five women need to seek medical help.
Prolapse can also happen in women who haven’t had a baby, mainly if they have a chronic cough, strain on the toilet or lift very heavy loads.
Even after surgery to repair prolapse, one in three women will prolapse again.
Prolapse can also happen in women who have had their womb removed (hysterectomy). In a case like this, the top of the vagina (the vault) can prolapse.

Correct anatomy of pelvic organs
Symptoms of Prolapse
When a prolapse is further down, you may notice things such as:
a lump bulging out of your vagina that you can see or feel
a heavy sensation or dragging in the vagina
something ‘coming down' or a lump in the vagina
difficulty emptying your bladder or bowel.
lower back pain
sexual problems (pain or less sensation)
weak urine stream
recurring urinary tract infections
These signs and symptoms can be worse at the end of the day and may improve after lying down. If the prolapse bulges right outside your body, you may feel sore and bleed as the prolapse rubs on your underwear.
How does GVBR help?
We cannot ‘fix’ a prolapse unfortunately, but our Emsella chair & Core2Floor package are great options to help alleviate the symptoms of your prolapse & gain back pelvic floor and core strength.
To read more about Core2floor therapy click here.

What is Post-Prostatectomy Incontinence?
Incontinence is a condition involving the inability to retain or hold urine, resulting in loss of bladder control. Post-prostatectomy incontinence is incontinence experienced after prostate surgery and affects as many as 95% of men who undergo prostatectomy. 95% of men with post-prostatectomy incontinence will regain complete bladder control within 3-12 months post-surgery. However, in some cases, symptoms of post-prostatectomy incontinence will persist past 12 months, and require additional management.
The surgical removal of the prostate significantly disrupts the continence mechanism. This impact alters the length of the urethra, reduced urethral pressure, reduced capacity for the bladder to store urine, and can impact the nerves and muscles that control bladder function. Due to the impact on the continence mechanism, the majority of men will experience some degree of post-prostatectomy incontinence. There are a number of risk factors that will increase the likelihood of the incontinence being severe or prolonged.
These include;
Obesity (BMI >30)
Pre-existing bladder symptoms
Previous radiation or surgeries
Lack of physical activity
Surgical complications
Increasing age.
Symptoms of Post-Prostatectomy Incontinence
Urine leakages or poor bladder control that occur immediately following a prostate surgery. This may include:
Leakage when coughing/straining/lifting
A sudden and strong urge to urinate
Extended use of continence aids, like pads (past 12 months)
Leakage after emptying the bladder (post-micturition dribble)
Increased urinary frequency (particularly at night).
How do we help?
The Emsella Chair boosts the performance and activity of the pelvic floor muscles, alongside your pelvic floor exercise regime to help you achieve results faster.
The Emsella Chair has been shown to not only increase strength in the pelvic floor muscles but also improve the mind-body connection, enhancing outcomes and accuracy with a home training program.
Emsella offers a non-invasive solution to improve sexual function, response and performance. Male pelvic floor dysfunction has been associated with erectile, ejaculation and orgasm dysfunction.
Emsella can quickly boost pelvic floor muscle activity in ways which cannot be achieved through isolated pelvic floor muscle contractions alone.
Benefits of the Emsella Chair for Post-Prostate Surgery Recovery
For men navigating life post-prostate surgery, the Emsella Chair offers several benefits:
With Emsella, there’s no need for surgery or other invasive procedures. It’s a comfortable treatment you can experience fully clothed.
Focused Treatment
The Emsella Chair specifically targets the pelvic floor muscles, making it a focused treatment for urinary incontinence.
Improved Quality of Life
By addressing urinary incontinence, one of the major side effects of prostate surgery, the Emsella Chair can help improve your overall quality of life.
Taking Control of Your Recovery
Post-prostate surgery recovery can be a challenging journey. However, innovative solutions like the Emsella Chair can help you regain control of your urinary health and navigate your recovery with confidence.

A 15 minute consult is always required before any treatments can commence.
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this treatment is not suitable for those with:
Implanted devices such as cardiac pacemakers, defibrillators, neurostimulators
Electronic implants
Drug pumps
Metal implants
Intrauterine devices containing any kind of metal (eg IUD)
Severe or life-threatening condition
Pulmonary insufficiency
Heart disorders
Decompensated haemorrhagic conditions
Decompensated blood coagulation disorders
Malignant tumour